Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 1...

Okay, perhaps I am a little to self centered. Perhaps no one will enjoy reading about my latest project. Or maybe, just maybe others will read what I am about to do and join me.  As it happens my life is a bit bland, predictable and messy!  So many things have changed in the last six months for me and none of them have been to my "plan".  I have adapted, and in this time of change I have found myself asking the question "Can happiness really be achieved? And if so how do I get it?"  Two years ago I was happy, I had money in the bank, could take trips, buy new cars and generally liked life.  Now the money is tight, the trips are few and far between and my new car is still mine, but the payments seem harder now then they did then. I was in no way living large, by my husband and I were living. Now it seems that we work to survive, the stress is mounting and my overall happiness is waining.
I have been reading alot about meditation and the "zen" state and I want in! I want to feel that again, but this time I want it to be a true happiness, not a material one. I plan on spending the next year taking it one step at a time and one day at a time.  I am not foolish enough to think that in one year everything will be all better, but I do expect them to be better. So I have made a mental list of what I want to accomplish and the first 30 days of my mission are simple...CLEAN THE HOUSE!!!!
I know it sounds simple, but I dont mean a quick clean, or even a "spring" clean. I am talking about a top to bottom clean, tossing out the broken and donating the un-used. I believe that before I can begin to unclutter my mind I must first unclutter my surroundings. Then and only then can i take down the rest of the "clutter" in my mind. I will begin tomorrow..and I will start with the kitchen table.  Trust me, we havent had a meal on it in over a year.....

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